Why is My Cat Panting?

Several pet lovers don’t wish to watch their cat pant, raising suspicions that things are awry. A cat’s respiratory rate should be calm and unlabored in its natural state. Panting is frequently a symptom that your cat isn’t feeling well. When cats are uncomfortable, super-hot, or undergoing a chronic illness, they usually inhale deeply with their jaws agape. Cardiovascular disease, breathing problems, cancer, mucus buildup in and across the airways, coughing, sore throat, and cancer are just a few of the severe difficulties that panting can cause.

This article will address your question, “why is my cat panting” in considerable detail.

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Why Do Cats Pant?

There are several reasons why cats pant. Below are reasons cats pant and things to check out for when they do.

1. To get rid of excess heat

Cats pant to release heat and control their skin warmth. The feline has small sebaceous glands on the soles of their paws and across their feet. On the other hand, its paws are tiny, and they can’t control their entire skin heat with only that limited surface contact.

Cats must pant to expel hot air through sweat if they are genuinely heated. However, this isn’t anything you’ll observe a cat do very often. They are designed to adjust to outside temperatures, finding shade and housing to avoid scorching in the sun.

2. When They’re Feeling Pressure

You’ll notice cat pants out of pressure more often than because of heat. This is a crucial symptom to keep an eye out for so you can intervene and get your cat out of the stressful setting. Because most cats dislike being in cargo or traveling, it’s possible that painting is prevalent when they’re exhausted.

3. Cats Pant When They Have Asthma

Asthma is a persistent infection of the respiratory system that affects many cats. Cats’ asthma shares the same symptoms as human asthma, such as fatigue and allergies. Chronic cough, sneezing, panting, and an elevated pulse rate can all be symptoms of an asthma exacerbation triggered by these causes.

4. Cats Pant When They Have Heartworm

Parasitic worms known as heartworms can damage cats’ cardiac and respiratory systems. All those tiny parasites can prompt your cat to pant, choke, or wheeze, which is a severe sickness recognized as Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease.

Heartworm and Heartworm-Associated Respiratory Disease can be deadly, so look for related indications like weariness, going to hide, poor eating, and also sneezing, difficulty breathing, or other indicators of hypoventilation, along with any panting.

5. Cats Pant When They Have Chronic Heart Dysfunction

Breathing issues in felines and kittens are sadly prevalent and sometimes go undiscovered. Based on the type of cardiac problem, your cat may not demonstrate any symptoms until it has developed to the point where it is an emergency. Mucus can build up all over the airways due to heart disease, limiting aerobic fitness and air pressure.

Chronic heart dysfunction can be identified by panting, increased heart rate, and blue-tinged or pale gums. This can quickly escalate into a severe issue, and pet owners should consult their vet doctor or ask for urgent veterinary assistance right away.

6. Cats Pant When They Have Breathing Disease 

Upper respiratory diseases (widely referred to as cat flu) are relatively prevalent in felines and kittens. Chronic cough, snorting, breathlessness, and panting are signs comparable to a human’s cold. Arrange a meeting with your vet doctor if you observe these signs to be addressed before it becomes something more dangerous.

7. Cats Pant When They Have Anemia

The carriers that transport oxygen throughout the system are red blood cells. If your cat isn’t breathing correctly, it may pant, breathe rapidly or heavily, and get exhausted.

8. When Cats Are Stressed or Traumatized 

Anxiety and psychological trauma affect all cats and kittens in diverse ways. Some symptoms are fear, beating, toilet mishaps, grunting, and panting. These signs will eventually disappear if the trauma trigger is gone or you are good at soothing your cat or kitten, based on what caused the trauma. If they were raised in an abusive home or were neglected, they might require particular care to assist them in recovering from the trauma.

9. Cats Pant When They Have Pain

Pain in felines and kittens can take numerous forms since they are excellent at hiding it as a protection strategy. Your cat’s panting is one symptom that they are in discomfort. Violent activity, quick heartbeat, loud grunting, extreme purring, abnormalities in movements, or unhealthy dietary habits may indicate that your cat is in distress and requires medical assistance.

When Should You Be Concerned About Your Cat’s Panting?

If you’ve done a bunch of physical exercises, you’re less likely to be concerned about panting. Even so, when your cat is panting excessively or when other signs precede the panting, it could be a sign of a more significant severe medical problem.

Whenever you detect any of these signs, consult your vet doctor right away:

1. The respiration of your felines becomes faint.

2. The panting gets louder, raspier, or faster.

3. Irritability and poor nutrition.

4. Breathing hard for a while, then pausing and resuming.

5. Hide or act aggressively.

6. Mouths that are pale or blue-tinged.

7. Gasping for breath or heavy respiration followed by panting.

Photo by Monica Saavedra on Unsplash

What Should You Do If Your Cat Is Panting?

Panting is natural while your cat is jumping or moving around. Allow your kitten or cat to relax for a while, and their respiratory rate should function normally.

Carry them to a relatively calm location and feed them lots of good water if they are overheated from staying outdoors or in a hot environment. The panting usually ceases once they’ve calmed down and rested.

Your cat might potentially be agitated and afraid as a result of a trigger from a previous traumatic event. Be aware of any potential triggers and try your utmost to avoid them. Individuals, loud sounds, and pups or other pets are possible causes.

Consult your veterinarian right once if the panting is followed by any of the other signs described previously. Based on the seriousness of the underlying symptoms, they might arrange a session for you or tell you to head to the closest emergency animal hospital.

Why Is My Cat Panting with Her Mouth Open?

Whenever your cat pants or breaths with their mouth, it’s an indication that they’re either uncomfortable or having trouble getting enough oxygen.

Whenever your cat has trouble breathing, it may exhibit the preceding symptoms. Respiration is deep, loud, rapid, or shallow, panting or living with the mouth opened, pale gums, unexpected or unexplained mortality, slump.

Keep calm, make your cat relaxed, and inform your veterinarian right away if your cat has respiratory difficulty (particularly mouth breathing). Chronic cough, breathlessness, nasal congestion, weepy face, not eating, and low activity indicate that your cat has a less severe breathing issue.

What Can You Do If Your Cat Is Panting?

Immediately you observe your cat panting, write down all of their signs and provide them to your vet doctor so they can begin treating. Recognizing these risk factors can assist your veterinarian in determining which procedures are required to find the root problem.

Below are some therapies that your veterinarian might recommend:

  • Antibiotics to alleviate the disease.
  • Asthmatic cats’ inhalers
  • Pill for heartworms.
  • A surgical procedure to deal with cardiac problems.
  • A startled cat’s treatment regimen.

Medications varied based on the source of the panting. It might be as simple as modifying your cat’s or kitten’s attention to help them recover from their trauma, or it might be as tricky and critical as surgical intervention.

Please seek advice from your veterinarian and provide as detailed facts as available so that they can provide the appropriate therapy for your cat.

Asthma and Heart Disease in Cats

Asthma and breathing system problems in cats and kittens are persistent, and there are a variety of therapeutic alternatives open, including antibiotic drugs or nasal sprays.  

Certain diseases are more dangerous than others, or the disease may have advanced to where therapy is required. As a result, detecting breathing problems earlier is critical to keeping your cat comfortable and preventing the disease from becoming an emergency. Knowing when to be worried about panting signs will aid you in working with your vet doctor to establish the reason and best therapy for your felines.

Why Is My Cat Panting in The Car?

Some felines have little familiarity with commuting, and whenever they do, it’s not pleasant, so it’s understandable that several cats dislike it. Even though traveling can be difficult for your cat, there are some things you can do to keep it less unpleasant and even pleasurable for a kitty.

Below are a few suggestions for making your cat like a cage:

  • Put the cage in a location where your cat enjoys spending leisure, which is usually where you fritter away your moment. Rather than being a scary carrying structure, the sling turns into a relaxing environment when integrated into your house. Begin with the bottom of the cage if your cat is terrified of it, then gradually add its roof and cage entrance.
  • Fill the sling with goodies, kitty litter, and accessories. Even as your cat is still at your apartment, this will stimulate them to enter the cage. You can also engage with your cat in the vicinity of their cell to assist them in forming a pleasant attachment with it.
  • In the sling, put comfortable coverings. All of the scents from the house should be contained in the cage, making it feel secure. Likewise, try putting stuff inside that has your smell on it.
  • Motivate your cat with a treat if they enter the cage. Ensure you possess your cat’s fav snacks on hand so you can reward them as soon as they enter the coop on their own.
  • Patience is required. Do not force or persuade your cat into the cage. Permit the cat to enter the cage under their terms and treat them for it.

Cat Panting with Tongue Out

Occasional panting in cats is natural, but it can sometimes signify a life-threatening condition requiring immediate veterinary attention. Your cat or kitten will have mouth open, tongue fully out, and be inhaling and exhaling in tiny shallow gasps. Your cat will most likely be resting calmly when doing so, but if they are disturbed with the condition, they may rise and notify.

Whenever you find your cat panting or gasping for breath with her tongue out, call your veterinarian right away so they can treat her properly. Cats, like dogs, pant when they’re got too hot, nervous, or agitated, or after vigorous activity. After the cat has had a chance to relax, slow down, or nap, this type of panting should stop. However, this panting type is far less common in cats than in dogs.

Photo by Anusha Barwa on Unsplash


Whenever cats are exhausting themselves throughout playing, they may begin to pant. Kittens are significantly more prone to this. Help your cat or kitten cool down and cease playing if you notice them panting. Try to quietly withdraw them if they are fighting or racing with other animals. Allow them to rest by petting them or leaving them undisturbed. It’s OK only to watch them engage actively if they are cheerful and settle down after a few moments and there is no further panting.

Keep an eye on the sides of your cat’s stomach to check how quickly they’re getting oxygen into their airways. This is a symptom of respiratory distress if they remain quiet, not considering running around much, and squeezing the air out by squeezing their abdominal tissues in and out at a frequency of more than Forty beats/min.

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